Research on…

This is my thoughts on what my extension project is! So far I have been researching different things about my clothing and it has been really interesting to see different things I don’t know about. There is also questoins I still want to find out! I hope you enjoyed my blog post, Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Extension Project 2

Here is the second part of my extension project from term 2! This piece of clothing is worn in Germany by Females! What is this piece of clothing called? This is called a Dirndl! Theycan also either be worn above or below the knees. The dirndl is worn with a short sleeve, low neck, and a skirt. The Dirndl is also mainly worn to church, Traditional events , and public holidays. The countrys that normaly wear this is Germany and tracht. The reason why people of Germany wear this is because it is religous and is also a way to show that they are part of a particular social group. Another thing is the word “Dirndl” is from the term “diernen”. Diernen is what the woman of Bavaria and Austria were known as in the 19th century.

I hope you enjoyed my Extension Project, Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

The Triangle

This is my maths task for today! What I had to do was figure out what different triangles are called. What I have also leart was the different names of angle are telled by the ammount of degrees it is facing. So far I am enjoying what we have been learning!

I hope you enjoyed my maths task, Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Goal Setting!

This is my inqiury task for this afternoon! What my task is about is Goal setting. What I also had to do was make a goal and also answer questions. What I learnt was the word smart is different words to make a goal. S is Spaciific, M is Measurable, A is Achievable, R is Relevant, and lastly T is Time bound. I hope you enjoyed my blog post, Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Immersion Assembly – Term 3

Today we had an immersion assembly to show what the theme was for Term 3! What I found out was that the theme was “Fit For Purpose”. The theme was basically all about being healthy and staying active in emotions and physical. What my favourite performence was is team 5’s rolepley. What I enjoyed about the performence of team 5 was when Mr Wiseman read out a story in a very nice accent. Another thing I enjoyed is when one of the teachers were away and they had to use a stuffed animal as the substitute. But out of the whole immersion assembly I loved how all the teachers and student particiated when it came to a physical activity! Something I want to work on is my literacy work and staying on task!

I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

2 Dawn Raid – 20th June – 3rd July

This is my Reading task for this week! I had to another bunch of pages from the Dawn Raid text! So far I am enjoying this text because I have been learning more things about New Zealand’s history and the people too. I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive commnet on my blog! Thanks!

Dawn Raids

This is my Writing task that I have been working on for two weeks! This task is all about the Dawn Raids that has happened in New Zealand. One fact about the history of the Dawn Raids is that their was a community of pacifika people who stood up to what was right for our polynesian community. I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive comment on my blog. THANKS!

My Lederhosen Project/Extension

Task Discription:

Here is my first part of my extension project! I had to design something out of my culture and research different things about it! I have chosen the Lederhosen! The Lederhosen is from Germany and is worn by males to events in Germany! The Lederhosn is also a triditional clothing to Germany and Austria! The Lederhosen is mainly worn when it is Oktoberfest and sometimes you may see women wearing Lederhoen too. Lederhosen are also worn to weddings but this is mainly for the people from Germany wearing the Lederhoen. This links up to being Social Consciousness. I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Made to Measure!

Here I have my maths task for today! This task was all about my measurement and finding the perimeter and area. This task was really fun cause I learnt things in maths! Like how there is a slightly sided square! And with all of this I also had to find the square root of everything to find the Hypotenuse! I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Versatile Volume P1

Here is my maths task for today! In this task I had to complete slides that were all about adding and multiplying center metres and ratios! What have I learnt? I have learnt that the right angle triangle is also half of a square! Overall this task was basically what I learnt last year so to me this was just a revision with what I have learnt already! I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Please leave a positive comment on my blog, Thanks!